Many people have asked for prego pictures. It's amazing to me that during the craziness of moving and all I have gotten HUGE!! I am now 30 weeks but am bigger than I ever have been in any pregnancy. Really wierd. For me being pregnant with twins has been quite an adventure. I feel very, very blessed to have this choice experience (although when my ribs feel they are going to crack I may not think so!). Basically I am just bigger faster, hurt more, eat a lot more and get pummelled by babies a lot more!! Really they move so much! It feels like they are doing constant somersaults. It's really crazy how hungry I am! The docs have said I have to gain between 40-56 pounds (YIKES) and so far I am doing just fine. Almost to 30 pounds. Hopefully I will stay on the low end not pass up 40 pounds. The babies are doing great- growing at the same rate with healthy heart-rates and all. If only we could get their names down! I have lost many hours of sleep trying to figure this out. Any great suggestions anyone??
So the pics are to make a point...The one on the bottom was taken two weeks ago, the one on top just two days ago. Look closely and you can see how much bigger I am in the top pic. I am growing really fast!! What an adventure!!
My goal is to get more updates on here so keep watching. We finally got a new camera so I have some fun pics to add on here.